Course overview
Business is fundamental to many aspects of our lives and although not all 14 - 19-year-olds will go on to work in business, all require a deep understanding of business knowledge and skills to navigate the world we live in.?Business teachers, in both the academic and vocational classroom and through extra-curricular activities, help prepare all students for life. Business is a subject that motivates and engages many students and you are in an excellent position to harness this enthusiasm, bringing the subject to life with well-chosen case studies that ‘hook’ students into learning.
The Leeds Trinity PGCE utilises the latest research to enable you to understand and develop the key pedagogical knowledge and skills essential for excellent teaching and learning in business education enabling students to appreciate its importance and relevance to them.? This is achieved through rigorous, subject-specific professional training.
All our PGCE Secondary courses lead to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and the award of a level 7 Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
At the end of each placement your school mentor, who will have supported you throughout your time in school, will assess your practice, using evidence from the whole of your time in school, including observations, lesson plans and marked work.
You’ll complete a progress portfolio to collate evidence of your teaching practice. At the end of the course, we will use this evidence to show that you have met the Teachers’ Standards.
You’ll also complete two level 7 Master’s assignments to test your ability to be critically reflective and research-led in your approach to teaching.
Eylül 2025
Leeds Trinity University
Brownberrie Lane,
Seçtiğiniz bölüme bağlı olarak farklı IELTS koşulları olabilir.