Environmental Studies students complete coursework spanning a variety of disciplines pertinent to the understanding of environmental issues. This provides students with a solid interdisciplinary curriculum that promotes appreciation of the human imprint on the environmental landscape, issues of environmental sustainability, and the need to assess environmental problems by integrating economic, societal, ethical, political, and historical perspectives.
This major combines a solid base of courses in the natural sciences with course work in the social sciences to prepare students for careers in government, business, education, non-profit organizations or the media. These students have strong interests in: environmental policies; the relationships of those policies to local, national and international politics; issues of environmental ethics & advocacy; social change and its relationship to social justice; the history of human interaction with the environment; and the portrayal of nature in art and literature. Students have the option of pursuing an MBA through additional coursework.
Eylül 2025
School of Environmental Sustainability
Loyola University Chicago,
1032 W. Sheridan Road,
60660, United States
Students must have a high school or secondary school completion from an institution you have attended. Also students must have the following scores,
Seçtiğiniz bölüme bağlı olarak farklı IELTS koşulları olabilir.